Election Cartoons 2018

Bangladesh’s 11th parliamentary elections were held under not quite the most ideal of circumstances but the end result was a resounding win for the incumbent Awami League party, winning 96% of the total number of seats in parliament.With an already-diminished opposition being oppressed to the point of no-return, the ruling party cements its third consecutive term as the government. This was a victory like no other. But whether this was a victory for us, the people, that I leave up to my cartoons to tell you.

Leaders of Jatiya Oikyafront led by its chief Dr Kamal Hossain went to the Election Commission (EC) to meet Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) KM Nurul Huda. Upon submitting several complaints regarding incidents in 31 districts, such as violation of election code of conduct, vandalism, CEC Huda instead began accosting Dr Kamal and asked the alliance chief: “What do you think of yourself?”
Is this how we define “impartial”?

The police have arrested and detained opposition members, but failed to act properly against ruling party supporters when they target opposition candidates.
“To ensure that the elections meet international standards, the police and election commission should not appear to be acting like extensions of the ruling party,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch.

A repressive political environment in Bangladesh ahead of the December 30, 2018 national elections is undermining the credibility of the process.
The violence during the campaign that has mainly targeted the opposition bears out their misgivings about unfair treatment.

Bangladesh authorities have instructed mobile network operators to shut down 4G and 3G data services across the country ahead of the Dec 30 election. Mobile phone operators say they have officially been ‘instructed’ to shut down services for 33 hours.

Person on left: So you’re voting for ‘boat’ after all, eh?
People on the boat: Nah man, I’m just going ‘on’ the boat to vote! as there is no other way!
Authorities had imposed a general bar on all types of motor vehicles on election day. I wonder how the elderly citizens and disable will got vote? Or that significant number doesn’t count?

this Cartoon done just before the election day when opposition parties were having trouble finding polling agents.
A number of BNP and Jatiya Oikya Front candidates failed to appoint polling agents as a lot of their own party leaders and activists are in jail and those who are outside in fear of cases and police arrests ahead of 11th parliamentary election.

What does the future hold now for Bangladesh? Will we continue to develop and progress as we have done for the last decade? Maybe. But at what cost?